Proactive Crime Prevention for Your Community

Empowering residents with education and resources to combat crime and fraud effectively.

We are a non-profit charity dedicated to proactive crime prevention, offering education, resources, and support to communities across Alberta. We assist residents impacted by crime, provide CPTED training and implement crime reduction initiatives to enhance community safety. We educate and collaborate with residents to proactively address crime and we empower citizens to protect themselves against property crime and fraud/scams.

In addition to programs and services offered by CACPC, the Centre serves as a unique crime prevention hub that brings together multiple crime prevention programs to network for community safety. Programs are able to access space and resources to operate, as well as opportunities to network and work together in ways that might not otherwise be possible. Each program operates independently with their own volunteers, Boards, programs & events.

The Central Alberta Crime Prevention Centre

Partner Organizations


To be a trusted resource for the prevention of property crime


Engage, Educate, Empower citizens to increase community safety


Innovation, Collaboration, Service Provider

Chair | Melissa Jacobson
Vice Chair | Lorraine Pitts
Secretary | Carol Lind
Treasurer | Debbie Romkes
​Directors | Jeffrey Dawson | Douglas Redmond | Dawn Lundquist | Christa Elliot | Shane Pahara | Jennifer Ambrose | Martha Cortes | Mike Evans
Executive Director | TerryLee Ropchan Programs & Services | Denise Rambow Admin | Hailey Gillett Summer Staff | Vacant

The CACPC is a not for profit, registered charitable organization offering many of it's services and programs free of charge. This is possible through a diverse funding model that includes fundraising events, user fees, grants, and charitable donations. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Registered Charity #837561133RR0001. Tax receipts are available. ​Donations can be made online at OR Scan the QR code